Wednesday 27 March 2013

Self help

I've declared it official. I have an issue with buying books.

But on the contrary, at least I read them all, and I gain knowledge and intellectual stamina hahahaha.

My latest reads have been from more of the Immortals After Dark series, to Kat Von D, to The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Don't sweat the small stuff and it's only small stuff by Richard Carlson PHD, to This is gonna hurt by Nikki Sixx.

Now. Before anyone questions why I bought a self help book I just want to state that its more of a study on stress and certain aspects of it while offering advice as to things we can do subconsciously to remain for the most part stress free, and it's truly interesting. I read a few tips every night and find myself doing them throughout the day. It's very positive and will continue to be something I learn off of on a daily basis. Just another way of improving my positive outlook.

I'm currently in the middle of This is Gonna Hurt by Nikki Sixx.
I recently discovered this was written at the same point in time that the tattoo chronicles by Kat Von D was written. And considering they were dating at the time it provides a little piece of the story from the other side. It's is also truly inspirational to hear some of the stuff that he went though throughout his life. And provides positive reinforcement as well as teaching me many life lessons I wouldn't have known before hand. I must get his first book as well. Great read.

Enjoying work, and constantly learning each day. Have taken yet another look at healthy self expression and dyed my hair bright redorange (that's for you ash hahahaha <3 ) it's still rather red but am going to have more orange added each time it gets dyed to allow it to go lighter without wreaking my hair or being too in your face.
I've given up caring what anyone thinks of me again after getting so many compliments on crazy clothes I've bought or my hair colour or my attitude towards life, it's only important that I Know who I am and those closest to me do as well.

Strictly keeping those who know me well to a minimal at the moment while I reestablish old friendships and work on being me and me only.

One thing that self help book taught me was to only be in my head. And not try and be in everyone else's as well. It's hard enough keeping your own thoughts in order and stress free without worrying about another persons head entirely.

That's all from me for now.

Stay positive


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