Sunday 24 March 2013

Obliviously Struggling - Not My Issue Anymore

So I just spent last night and today with my best mates having some fun times.
Those girls will never understand how much I really appreciate and enjoy the company and distraction.

Hopefully chilling tomorrow as well. Kind of dreading work again but what can you do.

So I vaguely started talking to Him again. Which I haven't done in years. All seems well there and were on talking terms. It good to reestablish an old friendship - and nothing more. Ever.

This may sound harsh but it's nice to see struggle sometimes in a relationship / person. Doesn't necessarily have to be a dating relationship, but it shows thought and growing. Except when that person is completely oblivious to why and its obvious to everyone else. Kind if makes me want to laugh. And other parts make me want to scream. But I'll stay away from that. I could rant about it but I won't.

Think an entry is to take up a few pages about that shortly.
I miss girl talk sometimes even though it makes me feel stupid.
It was briefly discussed last night but I wish I could scream it at the persons involved.

Chill out.


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