Monday 14 January 2013

The Ever Changing First.

Yesterday was my trial at Subway... and that was kind of a big thing for me. I mean its the first time I've had to work for some kind of progress... maybe that's not the right word but anyway, even if it was a trial it was still a big thing and I had loads of fun learning how to do probably some of the most time consuming and repetitive stuff which is kind of odd. Really hoping I get a call later this week saying "Yeah, you've got the job" but lets not get our hopes up.

I have finally decided on a tattoo design which I plan on getting as my first. I've already changed my mind so many times about what I want and its meaning to me etc. pretty much firstly I was going to get Jack Skellington from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" which I did Map out to get done as apart of a Half-sleeve (which I still plan on getting sometime in my life, whether it has Jack on it or not is a different matter), the picture below is the idea I had for that:

The reason I wanted to get jack was because he was the bad-good guy for lack of other words. He was the good guy of the story, the one who wanted to bring Christmas to Halloween Town, but his idea of Christmas was anything but. He was the misinterpreted character, the only misunderstood character; and I thought that related quite well to me, he is also my favourite villain, if you can call him that, which brings me to my next tattoo idea.
My second idea, which still included Jack was to design a tattoo half-sleeve of my favourite villains from movies and comic books - I had a whole list and I dont know if i can name them all off the top of my head but there was The Joker, of course, Jack Skellington, Pitch Black and his nightmare horses, Magnito, Poison Ivy, Bane, Harley Quinn, and many others. However I decided that Jack Skellington didnt fit with that and went on to change that concept slightly and make the theme of the sleeve one of the most well known quotes from the Dark Knight movie -

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

and have that quote maybe shortened in a banner around the jokers face. And I still want to get all that done eventually; I saw this picture the other day and decided it was going to become my first:

To me this kind of clicked in my mind things that people were saying to me - especially my boyfriend Ben, who I apologise to for not getting it sooner - the passing of time, the waiting game, life and death. We can't sit around waiting our whole entire life for something to  happen, we have to get out there and do it. Make a name for ourselves, become the person we want to be. I don't know why it was this picture that says it all for me but it still does and it would be awesome to have a daily reminder on my own body about that. I'm going to get this on my left forearm with the fiction ambigram from my previous post written below it and possibly the dates of Jimmy's life.

- Red

P.S. If you hadnt noticed all the pictures so far have been uploaded via instagram then onto my blog, if you wish to see more of my works as they are completed please follow me :) @thered_

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