Thursday 31 January 2013

Decisions, Decisions

This morning I got a phone call back from Subway and I have a 4 hour shift on Monday at their busiest time :) I am going to work my ass off to impress. I am so excited.

In this mess of a week I have overcome a lot, lost a lot, and gained a lot. I've gained back the trust and close friendship of one Mr. Benjamin and just gained the close friendship of one of his friends. It feels good to be back on that level. I missed all the fun times and the feeling of wholeheartedness. However it does mean I need to move out, as much as I don't want to just because we're friends and I enjoy taking care of him, as well as having a shoulder to cry on and someone to cook for. Not that my cooking skills are that great haha.
However I did make a mean Veggie pasta the other night which was awesome:

Yeah. I'm pretty proud of that.

In other news, I have started another tattoo fund. As I will be receiving my first tattoo on my birthday in August, I figured that I'd get another the same day whilst I'm there. I have decided what it is. it is..... *insert drum roll here*  ... A Inverted Latin Cross tattoo!

Except I'd get the same as the one on the left, only the cross itself is solid black. I plan on getting this on my thigh.

If you don't know the historical and modern meaning to this then I'll give you a brief run down.

Prepare for a history lesson!

Historically, the invert Latin cross is just the 'cross of Christ' flipped upside down. You know how Christ died on the cross and whatnot? The way he died, the right way up, was to inflict initial pain, as it would being nailed to a 2000 pound piece of wood, with a halo of thorns with various poisons stinging his head, and then to starve that person to death. That was the Christians Civil way of killing people.
Now the Inverted Latin Cross is historically known as the Cross in which Saint Peter was killed upon. By putting the victim upside down this cut off blood flow to the lungs and caused a fast but more painful death than starvation. This was the Christians way of "Humanely" Torturing and killing someone to their death. While it may take less time for them to die it was more painful than starvation.

The modern meaning of this cross is to represent pain and suffering as the norm and torture through religion. It is also seen as a satanic symbol as well as offering the meaning that religions are hypocritical. It is used as an unholy symbol and is often used and referred to in Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Metal core and so on.

The reason why I want to get all this information in the one symbol, is because for one I am a huge metal fan, I strongly believe that "religion" is hypocritical* And personally if I had to die on a cross Id die upside down because I would rather die fast in the hands of the church, and painfully knowing somewhat the truth.

(* I'm not saying that what happened in the bible is wrong, there are historical events to mark some of those things such as the red sea parting, etc etc. Just the way Christians portray themselves in the bible "thou shall not kill" - Excuse me while I state that the church burned thousands of women looking for Mary Magdelin [or however you spell it] as well as murdering women and men accused of "witchcraft" as well as thousands of Templars for trying to protect the source of gods power on earth, the holy Grail, when in fact the churches motives were to find the holy grail and destroy it to keep the lie alive)

To each their own opinion though, my opinion is my own and no one should judge for that. Just stop trying to shove religion down everyone's throats.

---- Back to actual topic ----- Yes, I have decided to get the invert latin cross for its meaning to me, and I have $80.50 saved towards that. I am very very excited and rather hoping that the next few months go by quickly. I'm going to talk to my mother and see if I can get them early. I'm Just too eager. 

- Red

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