Thursday 14 March 2013

Get it through you're head.

Why can't you get it through your head that I don't like you like that and that I don't want to be with you. You're like a freaking brother to me. Then you go and say I don't give a shit about you when I've been here for you for 8 years. Stopped you from committing suicide. Offered what support I could for alot of things you had going on at multiple times. And you go and say that.
Can't you just accept it and move on?

Realise that I don't want to be with anyone for quite a while because its either been thrown back in my face because of past incidents and the fact that I just want to be me for a while.

Don't get me wrong I know what I want. But that's not you and never will be.

I need to pursue my career. Be who I am. Live my own fucking life for a while.

That last thing I want is to be with a guy who I've known for 8 years who I've never returned that interest for, who lives 300ks away. I don't want to have to worry about travelling that far or visa Vera. I just don't want that. Been there before. Never a-fucking-gain.

So if you seem to think that you mean nothing to me after all we've been through You're dead wrong. You just don't mean that to me. And if you can't accept that well you're gonna have a hard time being my friend so you may as well fuck off. I've had enough. I dont want you. I've told you that.

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